it’s our relationships that make the biggest difference

Ask any successful business owner what his profits and losses are and it is likely he would be able to tell you precisely. Income statements, balance sheets, cash flows – all of these report and present critical information for any thriving business. Why shouldn’t a wealthy family use the same tools to manage the business of its wealth?

We focus on you as a person – your needs, your dreams and your wants. We explore your financial experience, working to understand your general feelings about investing – any misgivings or preconceptions you may have. We work to understand the providers you are working with and the legal structures within your estate. We consider how you and your family want to be involved in your wealth management. We address your challenges, your concerns, and your worries.
Once we understand you as a person, we can provide you with the investment services you need. The investment advice we provide reflects the unique goals and objectives you have for your wealth, while balancing the risks and opportunities associated with the global capital markets. Our work with you all starts from our initial assessment – we work with you to evaluate what you own, how you own it, and if it all makes sense based on your objectives. This often includes compiling and reviewing large amounts of data in order to gain a clear understanding of where you are in relation to where you want to be.

We focus on you as a person – your needs, your dreams and your wants. We explore your financial experience, working to understand your general feelings about investing – any misgivings or preconceptions you may have.
We work to understand the providers you are working with and the legal structures within your estate. We consider how you and your family want to be involved in your wealth management. We address your challenges, your concerns, and your worries.
Once we understand you as a person, we can provide you with the investment services you need. The investment advice we provide reflects the unique goals and objectives you have for your wealth, while balancing the risks and opportunities associated with the global capital markets.
Determining risk profiles and investment horizons
Asset allocation
Supporting banking/managers relationships
Managing liquidity
Due diligence on investments and Managers
We provide you with a complete system of data aggregation and consolidated reporting that show you exactly what you own, how you own it, and where you are in relation to your investment objectives.
These statements, which can be tailored to your preferences, clearly show you – in one place – only the information that is most important to you and your family.
Consolidating and reporting all family assets
Consolidating performance reporting
Benchmark analysis
Annual performance reporting
Maintaining an online reporting system
Tax preparation and reporting

One of our primary focus is on protecting your assets by managing and mitigating risk within each client’s needs. This service that has assumed a more critical role in recent years after the financial crisis of 2008 and includes:
Risk analysis, measurement, and reporting
Evaluation of existing policies and titling of assets
Evaluation of security options for clients and property
Formulation of disaster recovery options and plans